Friday, June 12, 2020

20th Century Evanglicals Term Paper - 1925 Words

20th Century Evanglicals (Term Paper Sample) Content: Name:Professor:Due date:IntroductionEvangelicalismEvangelicalism entails different number of Protestants groups and it sprung after the religious revivals movement that was prevalent in North Atlantic in Anglo America. Evangelicalism is connected with the rise of baptism and Methodism with Protestantism being the main expression of Christianity and this led to the codification of the evangelicalism around the Christians. The changes that were experienced in America contributed greatly to weakening of evangelicalism within the culture of Americans. These changes included the change of administrations, urbanization and industrialization which was accompanied by intellectual theological advancement. Moreover, evangelicalism remained significant in the culture of American despite the changes and high inflation of immigrants who were non-Protestantism. This can be substantiated by the existence of evangelicalism in the twentieth century with Billy spearheading the spread o f the teachings. Evangelicalism in the early years was characterized with the existence of reformed emphases regarding the orthodoxy and the personal relationship with God that existed. Evangelicalism movements saw various liturgical ministries and approaches arising with experiences of vigilant in preaching.Conservative elements are prevalent in modern evangelicalism from which the protestant denominations, bible churches and the independent churches are the major pillars pertaining to these movements of evangelicalism. Basically, modern evangelicalism revolves around the resurrection of the body and belief that salvation is by the grace of god and not the human work. These arguments are hold together through the inerrancy and authority of scriptures. In this paper will focus on the role of Billy Graham pertaining evangelicalism in the twentieth century.Billy grahamIn evangelicalism fraternity Billy Graham is globally recognized as a vital figure in twentieth century. He was born in 1918 and brought up under Southern Baptist Convection where he realized the urge for evangelism and ministry. Graham conducted various mission and campaigns in Eastern Europe and in Soviet Union for approximately 60 years his first being in 1947. Billy Graham evangelism started at a time of complexities with existence of modernism and fundamentalism in evangelism. In this case, he had had to define his mode of belief in evangelism in order to succeed. However, Graham stand was never understood with his collaboration with both the modernism and fundamentalist. According to Graham he was a constructionist since evangelism is a trans-denominational in which the Christians maintains the essence of gospel as expected in the doctrine of salvation through faith of Jesus Christ. He argued prejudice of a person would make him not follow any front of faith but in case the existence of some beliefs that were contained in fundamentalism and were good it was worthy to label him a fundamenta list.Controversies about Graham may exist but in constructionism he was more profound considering the vital role he played in transatlantic evangelicalism after the Second World War. During this time he collaborated with other evangelicals who were against the enemies of evangelical faith and committed to constructionism. The mission was not only to win people for Christ but also to rejuvenate the protestant conservative intellectual culture through gaining the respect of secular intelligentsia. This was substantiated by Graham and his collaborators disavowing of fundamentalism commitment in purity of the doctrine. The massiveness of crusade offered graham the impression of evangelical consensus.Billy graham happened to be the field representative of the youth for Christ International a dynamic evangelism movement. In this movement he toured around America and across Europe sensitizing the local church leaders on how to capitalize on organizing youth rallies. He successfully accom plished his objective and managed to convince some leaders to join in provision of critical assistance in organizing crusades when he visited the cities with evangelism agenda. His exposure was facilitated by published crusades in areas like Los Angeles, Boston and Washington with him being in the media through the program called the Hour of Decision. His consistency was greatly contributed by the friendship of the president and the vice-president attributing to his establishment of the standard bearer of the evangelical Christianity.Graham received criticism from fundamentalist due to his involvement with the churches affiliated with the world church council since it signaled compromise from forces of corrupted modernism. Evangelism sacrificing was the cause of criticism since it was for a temporary alert convenience. However, Graham grew ever more determined despite the influence he had on dynamic evangelism that increased overwhelmingly. Moreover, he focused on shaping the di rection of contemporary Christianity and this manifested itself during major international conferences that were underwritten under Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. In defenses of the criticism evangelicals among them Graham believed that evangelism entailed another way of describing a person who believes on the gospel. In this case, all the protestants were evangelical until the decline that arose due rise of liberalism. Basically, evangelicalism argued that devotion of Christ was what mattered and thus admiration, experiencing and following Jesus was essential for a Christian. According to liberalism, Christianity is initiated from our own human intuition and the essential thing is to have a well-disposed heart. In support of this argument the liberals argued there cannot exist faith without the truth in it and an authoritative bible. In his case, the liberals believed that Christianity could be more advanced if insistence on doctrine and orthodoxy beliefs were eliminated and ignored rather than being instilled like Graham insisted.Though the rise of liberalism constituted to decline in evangelical, Graham argued that it was a unity that transcended in denominations through various ways of respects. It can be substantiated that fundamentalism were welcomed in evangelicalism in America and in United Kingdom. Evangelicalism is characterized by the commitment of an individual beyond the denominational loyalty in order to enjoy being an evangelical and enhance evangelism to other denominationsCITATION Tho10 \p p137 \l 1033 (Thorsen and Wilkens p137). For instance, in UK crusade opening Graham was not welcomed by other denominations except the evangelicals but as he progressed with the evangelism the leaders of other churches could even share with the evangelicals.Graham and EcumenismDuring this time it was realized ha a powerful influence on evangelicalism was at work that included all the main denominations and English speaking world. The influence of the ecumenical movement was at ascendancy and new era in Christianity was prevalent if the unity among the denominations existed. In his case, Graham created openness through ecumenism with charity of all opinions being welcomed. This facilitated evangelicals experience a new invitation in the country being bestowed the responsibility of playing part in full regarding peoples denominations and the larger unity movementCITATION Jon13 \p p174 \l 1033 (Jones and Bebbington p174). During his time ecumenism was simultaneously being born in all sides of Atlantic with evangelical policy being spearheaded at USA before heading to England.The strengthening of evangelicalism arouses after Christianity today and Billy Evangelistic Association intertwined and fundamentalism developed convection of separating them despite the fact that they could not be broken. There existed shared values against the fundamentalism of being too negative, exclusive and separating among the Christians. Here was need to make the voices of the evangelical heard and through Graham association a well-structured had been laid to woo back the faith in the main denominationsCITATION Mar94 \p p162 \l 1033 ( Mark p162). Basically, evangelism under Graham concentrated on positive evangelism through focusing on better scholarship as It sort to capitalize on the existing opportunities on ecumenical ethos to gain new respect for the scriptures.There existed various things that reflected the success of the evangelical policy through corporation with the non-evangelicals and Graham crusades were meant to offer correctness where it existed. The appearance of Michael Ramsey in one of the crusade was a great boost to Graham policy since he was a great critic of Billy missions. As a great supporter of ecumenism Graham managed to bring people with different perspective on theology together and new policy was formed cooperation without compromise. This policy enhanced coexistence between the churches with Michal Ramsey being invited during the opening of Anglican Evangelical Congress encouraging the evangelicals to do away with the existing exclusiveness to Church of England in order to play full part in life of the ChristianityCITATION Mai14 \p 237 \l 1033 (Maiden and Atherstone 237). After this the old isolationism that existed among the Christians seemed as a thing of the past.The evangelicalism had no new respects to beliefs but it mainly focused on standing for biblical teachings in Christianity. However, the collaboration of the three policies pertaining hybrid evangelicalism included the changes that were needed in older fundamentalism and evangelicalism. This facilitated many people being brought to the Christ ministry under Grahamà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s ministry.Division among the evangelicalsCriticismAfter the great work of unifying denominations there arouse division among the evangelicals that was contributed by the new emphasis of openness. ...

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