Sunday, May 17, 2020

Religion And The Existence Of God - 2546 Words

Religions are an answer to the reoccurring question of â€Å"Where did we come from?† Humans have had a constant inquisition of the reason for their existence burning in their mind since the beginning of time. It seems logical that in order for something to come into existence it has to start with a beginning, but it is hard for humans to wrap their minds around and label what must have existed before us that prompted the start of our time on earth. Religion started to emerge when humans realized that something had to exist outside of the earthly realm that created them, whether on purpose or by accident. Monotheism, the belief in the existence of one god or in the oneness of God, was overwhelmingly unrealistic to believe in ancient societies. The humans of this time could not comprehend how one supernatural being could control so many parts of the earth. It seemed to make more sense to them that there was a different god for different parts of the earth; like the sun, the oce an, and even feelings such as love and merriness. (Mark, Joshua J. Religion in the Ancient World.†) The idea of many gods being assigned sections of the world and therefore existing in multitudes seemed to die out as time went on. In what took many years to evolve, the idea of Monotheism went from being unrealistic to being the most believed theory of religion, whether that be encapsulated in Christian beliefs or not. Monotheism is a leading common factor in most prominent religions in this day and age.Show MoreRelatedThe Existence Of God And Religion868 Words   |  4 PagesHeritage Dictionary). Likewise, faith is defined in the Oxford Dictionaries as a strong belief in God or in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual apprehension rather than proof (Oxford Dictionaries). 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